Force Multiplier


A forcer multiplier is a military term that refers to a factor that gives personnel or weapons the ability to accomplish greater feats than without it. We cover this catalyst truth in our book The Alpha Male. Most people will admit that they want to make the most of their time by producing the most impact with the smallest effort. The issue here is that before one can multiply, they need to have their life or company in order.

Order precedes multiplication.

God will not bless a mess!

During the COVID-19 downtime, I’ve focused on organizing my garage, my financial paperwork, my health, my reading time to prepare for the time when things are back to normal. I’m betting that preparation time is not wasted time. When my life is in order, then I can run faster and accomplish more.

This thought process brings me to the point of today’s blog, what is it in a man’s life that is worth living for? How do we identify real valuable purpose? For example, is my purpose to clean out my garage? No! But cleaning out the garage helps me to reach my purpose more efficiently. I’ve chosen to believe that my purpose is eternal. I believe an eternal purpose is far better and more valuable than a temporary purpose.

"And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?" - Mark 8:36 (NLT)

Each day I wake up and purpose to be a force multiplier for the Kingdom of God! I intentionally plan to build up men and women so they can in turn win souls and make disciples to do the same. This is so gratifying.

I have had the opportunity to travel to the most beautiful places in the world many, many times in my short life and I’ve enjoyed each minute. However, after a while, a beach is a beach, a mountain is a mountain, a cathedral is a cathedral, etc. But ministering the gospel never gets old! Changing people's eternal address never gets old!

Purpose identified creates passion! A man who loses his purpose always returns to his past.

Life is more fulfilling when lived together! Choose to be the Force Multiplier in your arena today.

Get your copy of “Take Your Place” and “Alpha Male” today! Click here.


Truth Teller


The Warrior Spirit