6 Ways to Supercharge Your Fast 

1. Assemble together with other believers…see Nehemiah  9:1-3: other believers strengthen your faith and help you complete your fast. Intensity on Sundays will escalate because people are going to be really hearing from God.

2. Separate yourself from non-believing influencesFast your time, computer, emails, social media, tv, sports, movies, entertainments.  This is a time to separate yourself.  It’s Gods time and I’m coming after him!! Seek him with all your heart. All we have to give is our time. Your spirit is especially open when fasting and you can contaminate your spirit if you let in ungodly things during your fast.

3. Confess your sins. Repent as you fast.  God will bring these things up.  People you’ve treated wrong. 1 John 1:9

4. Spend extra time in God’s Word. When you fast, read your bible. One year bible. Confessions of the Word of God.  Speak the Word over your family, health, and finances, while fasting.

5. Ask Him for His presence. Ask Him to come sit with you and talk to you.

6. Worship. Worship supercharges your spirit.  Play worship constantly. When you come to church run to the front and be a worship leader.

When should you fast? When facing a mammoth task, something too big for just you.
Fasting is a weapon given to you by God to discipline your flesh and destroy your enemy the devil.

Psalm 42:1 NLT
As the deer longs for streams of water,
so I long for you, O God. I thirst for God, the living God.
When can I go and stand before him?Day and night I have only tears for food, while my enemies continually taunt me, saying,
“Where is this God of yours?”

PowerHouse Church Fasting Guidelines: Free Download

“Fasting for a Change”

5 Things we will do great this year:
1. Sunday growth
2. Life Groups growth
3. Genesis Team influence
4. Jordan Ranch debt free.
5. Missions financial increase in giving.

Matthew 5:6 (NKJV) Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.

1 Peter 5:6 (NLT) So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor.

Fasting is tying a string around your finger to remind you that God is your source for everything.

Isaiah 58:6
  breaking bonds, things that hold you back from your God given promises. Bad habits, health, spending and financial health, relationships, etc

Give bread to the hungry. Position yourself  to be an answer by being free!

Your light will break forth like the revelation will be given, college, career, business with witty inventions, mate, ministries, missions. The darkness of 2012 will be broken in 2013.

Dr. Cole 40 day fast brought direction for the rest of his life.
His last 19 years were the most powerful of his life. Seeking God creates unfair advantages for you.

Your health will spring forth.  Fasting is a proven way to improve your overall health.  It’s a cleansing. (Certain people with certain conditions should check with your Dr. before you fast, pregnant women, diabetics, etc)

And you shall call and the Lord shall answer: quick, fast answers. You will become successful, He’ll raise you out of obscurity, hiding, you will not walk in darkness, you will succeed.

God will guide you continually. You will be able to hear His directions.

God will restore relationships, people will be saved.

A fast will help you appreciate forgiveness should you have a moment of weakness and break your word.

Don’t go into it ½ way and say, “Ill just go as I’m lead,”, nope you’ll not feel lead within 2 hours.

Fasting is a weapon given to you by God to discipline your flesh and destroy your enemy the devil.

Psalm 42:1 NLT
As the deer longs for streams of water,
so I long for you, O God. I thirst for God, the living God.
When can I go and stand before him?Day and night I have only tears for food, while my enemies continually taunt me, saying,
“Where is this God of yours?”