Stand for Something or You Will Fall For Anything
Our book is named Alpha Male And the Women That Get Them for a reason. Our world needs men of action and women that understand their call and support them. June 21 is Father's Day and it’s also the day we celebrate the 24th birthday of Powerhouse Church in Katy, TX. Yesterday we discharged our 500th COVID-19 patient at the Regional Medical Center. The beginning of March seems so long ago, and I can't help but be inspired by your continued exceptional care for our community and all our patients including those who do not have COVID19. Our ministry has quickly responded to a crisis that continues to evolve, sometimes by the day or even by the hour. Team members from different disciplines have joined each other on COVID units, our physician group rapidly increased its video visit capacity and our support staff ensured the clinical teams always had the supplies they needed to be safe. We’re getting through this together. Now, as we continue to see the number of COVID patients being treated in our facilities remain low, our focus is on restoring the confidence of those who have put off routine medical care out of fear of COVID-19. Our teams have taken numerous steps to ensure patient and guest safety in all of our facilities and clinics. You can click here to learn more about each of those steps and why our community can Choose with Confidence ( I encourage you to take a moment to watch this short video from Chris Trevino, MD, chief medical officer at Our Lady of the Lake Ascension. <> I hope you have a great weekend! Scott
The calling of our church is to preach an uncompromising truth of the Gospel of Christ and within that truth, “Build men and raise sons!” I am very proud to say that this mission is still being carried out today at PHC and now many others worldwide.
One of my favorite authors is Sir Winston Churchill. Churchill, as you know, is credited for leading England in a desperate time of WWII. Listen to his words of wisdom and place yourself in a home that has just been blown up by the Nazis: “If you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory because it is better to perish than to lie as slaves.” (Chapter 10 pg. 170 Alpha Male.)
Real, Godly manhood understands that we must stand for righteousness; we must speak up now when our country is looking and listening for a clarion voice. Confusion and chaos must be overcome by the voice of God and that voice will come from Godly men who are respected, full of integrity, and courageous enough to say what needs to be said. We are the light in a dark place and God has entrusted us with His Word and this planet. He is our Father and when we do His will we are honoring him.
Let's support the authority in our homes, our fathers, as they defend and provide for our families every single day. Let's do the same for the authorities in our schools, military, cities, and states, and yes in our nation. When we honor up, blessings come down.
"Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord, for this is the right thing to do. 2'Honor your father and mother.' This is the first commandment with a promise: 3 If you honor your father and mother, “things will go well for you, and you will have a long life on the earth.” – Ephesians 6:1-3 (NLT)
How do you plan to show honor this month to your father? Question: If you cannot honor a man you do see, how will you honor a God you do not see?
A father/husband is fueled by honor and respect just as a mother and wife are fueled by love. Your words, actions, gifts, decisions all speak volumes to your father. The seed you sow of honor will return a harvest of honor. Just as an apple seed produces apples, so honor produces honor!
Pray about how to show your father that you appreciate him, respect him, honor him for what he’s done for you as well as who he is in your life. Be prepared for him to want to bless you more because you have just lit his fire!
I hope you’ll get a copy of Alpha Male today, in time for Father's day. I will be happy to sign it for him.