The Favor of God—Who is Eligible?
One thing is for sure, Jesus said, “If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen The Father!" (John 14:7&8). Like so many of Jesus' parables, He teaches us to see the invisible by referencing and understanding the visible. Jesus was famous for speaking in parables or mysteries, as it is stated in certain places in the bible. He usually follows up a parable with words like, “he who has ears to hear, let him hear.”
Have you ever thought, “I wish I could understand God better? I wish I knew what He wanted me to do every day?” You can. You will. His Word says believers are designed to know His will (see 1 Corinthians 2:7, 4:1, Colossians 1:22, 2:2).
My fellow born again believer, your salvation was purposed to enlighten you, and all those you will eventually lead to Christ by sharing this mystery. You MUST know the will of the father daily!
The favor of God is taught through parables and mysteries. Jesus was just a boy when Joseph and Mary left him in Jerusalem. Once found, Jesus, The Word, enlightened us on the actions which brought favor. I call these “patterns and principles.”
If you read Luke 2:41-52, you can see the situation. In verse 51 Jesus was obedient to his earthly parents even though He knew He was the son of God. Verse 52 says He grew in wisdom, stature, and FAVOR with God and people. If you want favor, do what Jesus did. When you have the Favor of GOD, you don’t need money. Remember, favor ain't fair!
Points to memorize:
1. Obedience is God's method of protection and blessing in our life.
2. God's love is unconditional. God's blessing (Favor) is conditional. Ask the Lord to help you see the invisible so you can do the impossible.
This Father's Day, June 21, let's obey The Word, bring ourselves and our families to worship on Sunday, and gain the favor of God for our life!
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